Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Stormclaw Space Wolves Project - Part 1

Wild Chevy has been pressuring me for a few weeks now to show off my latest project. But I hate looking at pictures of bare plastic all lined up and didn’t want subject you all to it either. But now that paint is starting to get splashed I’m ready to start showing things off some.
So first things first, I’m building a 1000 point army for the doubles tournament for FoB, that means everything needs to be done and painted by early October. I’m using the contents of the Stormclaw box that I unboxed for Beasts of War here(The Orks got traded for a copy of the new Space Wolf codex)
Everything has been cleaned and assembled. I also did a quick sand basing on these. I find it’s easier to do basing upfront and then prime over the top of the sand and then paint it to taste. Not only does this help lock down the basing material , but it also helps “ground” the model in the base so it looks like its apart of the terrain, not balanced on top of it. It also helps keep the model attached to the base!

I broke apart the Krom Dragongaze model and used the body to kit-bash a new Wolf Lord. I did this because:
1.       Krom is ugly.
2.       An axe that makes you hit at I1 with only power armor to protect you is dumb.
Krom’s axe was given to the model I’m turning into a Rune Priest since GW STILL doesn’t have any in stock. It’s a bigger weapon so I used a pin to make sure everything stays in place.

The Wolf Guard Terminators took quite a while, but all of their arms and options have been magnetized! It’s a lot of work, but I love getting the most out of the kit.

Ok time for paint:
I primed these guys grey and plan on using that grey as my base coat for their armor. It feels like cheating but I’ve got too many other things to get done and not enough time to do it all in.

Right now I’m averaging 1 color a night for all 16 models, so far I’ve gotten brown and bronze down and will start in on the bones/skulls tonight. After that I’ll get the red on. A quick was with Secret Weapon’s Soft Body Black wash will finish up the majority of them. The Wolf Lord will get some extra details so he stands out, and maybe the Rune Priest if I have time.

Will this win me any awards for best looking army? Doubtful, but I will be fully painted and beyond the 3 color minimum which is important to me.

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